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The default template is which need to be copied in the respective subdirectory distroware/docs/os/(BSD,Linux,LinuxAndroid,OpenSolaris,Plan9) as $, all lowercase

General note, encapsulate URLs with <> otherwise on the builded site they will not be links

Don't delete user/password table!

For non applicable fileds use - or leave empty

For pratically all fields is intended if possible or if applicable

When updating existing pages please remove leftovers '> ' they are no longer needed.

The template isn't definitive and is subject to changes, is possible that some changes will be tested on pages before landing template.txt

  • Name

Distribution name, respect developers typing (lower case, upper case, whitespaces, etc)

  • Screenshot

Not mandatory, will deal with them on a second time. Specify version used and credits if needed.

  • Description and history

What the stuff is and a bit of history, wikipedia style more or less.

Technical details (Packaging, sources, repositories and building) are more important

Please avoid making a verbose description omitting the tecnical section

For remixes/remasters please avoid making verbose descriptions of features inherited from their base

  • Developed by

Usually easier to apply for system developed by companies, does not exclude specify 'Founded by'

Add 'Overseen by $NAME Foundation' if applicable and if the project have a related commercial company

  • username and password

Default username and password, exist a third field for notes

  • License

Usually easier to apply for BSD or OpenSolaris then Linux distributions, writing 'Mix of licenses' is fine, if a project have a preferred license you're welcome to write that.

Some projects specify a single license for ISO images which is silly, some platforms (i.e. SourceForge) encourage that, when this happen use for example 'GPL3 (sic)'

List regulations of export

  • Type

Open, Remix, Freeware, Proprietary, Commercial, Source available, One time release, etc

  • Packaging

Links to where pacakges can be browsed, investigate if those packages can be build by users, investigate availability of .dsc .orig.tar.xz .debian.tar.xz for .deb, .spec .srcrpm for .rpm, pkgbuild, ebuild, SlackBuild, Makefile, etc

Specify if are present out of repository packages and unredestributable software (both pre-installed and available in repository), see here for a non esaustive list

Package build files are developed on a version control system? (yes/no)

  • Source

Links to main repository or GitHub/GitLab organization or equivalent

Link to build program or script and profile or equivalent

Link to source archives for GPL2, GPL3, modified LGPL sources, etc compliance

  • Repositories

Links browsable repositories

For derivates listing only additional repositories is sufficient

  • Building

Investigate if and how is possible to build ISO/IMG or similar

  • Table

The table must be fullfilled with data that are real and current, no deprecated stuff (which can be mentioned in history), no future plans.

  • Homepage

Link to current main website or Internet Archive's Wayback Machine

  • Based on

Independent or distro on which is based. 'Independent, originally forked from X' is valid. For discontinued derivates specify version.

  • Status


  • Architecture

Currently supported CPU architectures, dropped architectures can be specified in history and in release (i.e. v10.1 last x86 image)

  • Category

Desktop, Server, Live medium, From RAM, NAS, Media Center, Firewall, Gaming, Retro Gaming, Mobile, Handheld, Telephony, Clusters, High Performance Computing, Hypervisor etc

  • Desktop, default

DE/WM (respect developers typing) used on official images, also valid CLI and WEBUI.

  • Desktop, available

DE/WM present is official repository, for derivates 'Same as parent'

  • Launcher

(Android only) default launcher installed

  • Source

Link to source of the distribution, link to copy of OSS used

  • Download

Link to download

  • Release model

Fixed, Rolling

  • Packaging

Type of packages used, i.e. deb, RPM, pkg.tar.*, pkg, build from source

  • Package management

Cli and gui package managers, appcenters, stores installed by default

  • Installer

Installer used, i.e. Calamaers, Anaconda, Ubiquity, etc

  • Init

Default init system

rc, OpenRC, SysVinit, systemd, S6, Dinit, etc

  • Shell

Default shell configured

  • C Library

glibc, musl, FreeBSD libc, NetBSD libc, OpenBSD libc, uClibc-ng, etc

  • Core utils

GNU, busybox, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, etc

  • Compiler

Default compiler used, specify version only if quite old version is used.

  • Language

Default languages used or supported, multilang is valid for about 5+ launguages supported

  • Country

Usually easier to apply for system developed by companies or by only one individual, writing $COUNRTY, World is valid

  • IRC

Link to IRC (only official)

  • Forum

Link to forum (only official)

  • Mailing list

Link to mailing list(s)

  • Docs

Link to documentation and wikis

  • Bugtracker

Link to the bugtracker if applicable

  • Translation

Link to translation portal if applicable

  • Donations

Link to donations page(s) (links for remixes/freeware will not be active)

  • Commercial

Yes/No, short description of business offer

  • Price

Starting from (lower) $price, specify per month/per year/one time purchase, Use '-' for Free/FOSS

  • Contact

Dedicated email for contact or link to contact form or module

  • Social

Link to official social media, separe with < br > (without whitespaces)

  • ArchiveOS

Link to page

  • Distrowatch

Link to page

  • Wikipedia

Link to English page

  • on

(Linux only) Yes/No. Is present on list? (can't be linked)

  • Repology

Link to page

  • In the timeline

Yes/No. Is present on BSD or Linux timelines?

  • Build

How to build the system image

  • Releases

Ideally: version, release date, link to announcement. Newer on top.

WIP other possible fields curated by main author:

  • know issues on distroware or in the timelines
  • Website feedback only for less complete website
  • Errata wrong info reported by others
  • Selected articles curated list of articles